The Stark County Bar Association assists newly licensed attorneys with required training

The Stark County Bar Association currently offers New Lawyers Training programs in March and October of each year, with instruction in professionalism, law office management and client fund management.
Each attorney newly admitted to the practice of law or registered for corporate status under Gov. Bar R. VI, Section 3 shall complete a minimum of twelve credit hours of New Lawyers Training instruction in the time frame set forth in Section 9(A) of this rule. The twelve credit hours of instruction shall include both of the following:
-Three credit hours of instruction in professionalism, law office management, and client fund management consisting of sixty minutes of instruction on topics related to professional conduct, professional relationships, obligations of attorneys, or aspirational ideals of the profession; sixty minutes of instruction on topics related to fundamental law office management practices; and sixty minutes of instruction on topics related to client fund management;
-Nine credit hours of instruction in one or more substantive law topics that focus on handling legal matters in specific practice areas.
An attorney newly admitted to the practice of law or registered for corporate status under Gov. Bar R. VI, Section 3 may satisfy the New Lawyers Training instruction requirement by participating in and successfully completing the Supreme Court Lawyer to Lawyer Mentoring Program, provided the attorney also completes three credit hours of instruction on professionalism, law office management, and client fund management.
Please check the Supreme Court of Ohio website: for detailed information on New Lawyers Training.